
My Journey Through VC Bootcamp as an Investment Associate in Australia

Aug 30, 2024


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My Journey Through VC Bootcamp as an Investment Associate in Australia

Applying for the position of Investment Associate was a long shot for me. I had to Google what a "VC" was so all I really had to offer was enthusiasm, and yet, about a week later, I received an email inviting me to an interview.

However, this meant that I was incredibly excited for bootcamp. I saw it as a valuable opportunity to learn everything about venture capital, meet the team and more. And on a personal note, it was not just a chance to gain confidence but also to prove that the potential the NextGen leadership’s team saw in me could be transformed into tangible skills to use in my new role. I was determined.

Going Through Bootcamp

I found the training program to be super accessible. The content was designed in a way that meant that each session was not just informative but also enjoyable and engaging. We started with the very basics and moved to topics like sourcing, evaluation and even how to write investment memos! I found myself feeling excited to join each zoom call because I was keen to see what I could learn next, especially when we had the amazing opportunity of listening to guest speakers from some of Australia’s leading VCs including names like Abhishek Maran from Rampersand, for example.

What I enjoyed most though, was listening to the Leadership team talk about their experience in the VC world and their vision for NextGen. They were so passionate about making sure we were equipped to carry out this vision, and their passion was contagious. You couldn’t help but be inspired.

In the spirit of honesty, even after the training program there were still so many questions were flying around my head. How can I build supportive relationships with the founders I meet each week? What skills and knowledge should I build to effectively evaluate a business? Why would my input be valuable and resonate with others?

But then I remember the conviction and unwavering belief that the NextGen team has in our ability to grow and be the number one contact for all student founders. I feel reassured that I will have their constant support to continue to grow professionally and personally. I’d love to have more opportunities to chat with everyone and have an insight on how they gained their confidence and honed their more tangible investment skills.

Final Thoughts

To any future incoming Investment Associates who may be feeling the same imposter syndrome that I had, I leave you with the advice to embrace the feeling. Use it as fuel to learn and take any opportunity that comes your way to develop. You’re surrounded by an amazing team that have so much experience and are willing to support you. Believe in yourself because they saw something in you and choice you because of that!

If you’re a founder, feel free to reach out and have a chat - I’d love to hear from you and see how us at NextGen can better support your own journey!


Mary Abraham

Investment Associate

Investment associate 

 Researcher and Monash Global Challenges Honours Student. Passionate about sustainability and technology to tackle large-scale issues

Mary Abraham

Investment Associate

Investment associate 

 Researcher and Monash Global Challenges Honours Student. Passionate about sustainability and technology to tackle large-scale issues

Mary Abraham

Investment Associate

Investment associate 

 Researcher and Monash Global Challenges Honours Student. Passionate about sustainability and technology to tackle large-scale issues

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